Accessibility Report

This website was last tested on 18th Septemeber 2023. We use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines V2.1 level A and level AA to test how accessible is.

We used this approach to deciding on a sample of pages to test:

  • Looked at all mediums used on the site for example text, images, maps, videos, forms etc
  • Added at least one page per item to our sample list
  • Always include the homepage

How we checked

The test was carried out by The Health Informatics Service Web Department.

Automated tests were used to check the accessibility of the site but they do not show most accessibility issues.

We used Lighthouse to audit each page in the sample for accessibility issues.

We used Wave and Axe DevTools to test for accessibility issues on pages that do not need users to sign in.

Errors found were correlated and checked manually.

A keyboard, tab through and zoom check was done.

These tests were completed using a Google Chrome browser on Windows 10 with a 14 inch screen.

The issues we found

Only serious accessibility issues on the sample of pages we tested are listed in this report – these will cause problems for users with access needs when using your website.

1.1.1 Non-text content (Level A)

Images that are the only thing within a link must have descriptive alternative text. If an image is within a link that contains no text and that image does not provide alternative text, a screen reader has no content to present to the user regarding the function of the link.

2.4.4 Link Purpose (Level A)

Link text used within the site contains extraneous text or may not make sense out of context. This is because most include the words "click here".


PDF documents often have accessibility issues. Additionally, PDF documents are typically viewed using a separate application or plug-in, and can thus cause confusion and navigation difficulties.

There are multiple PDFs in use, not signposted as PDF with the content not in HTML format or saved as PDF/A.

Word Documents

Word documents often have accessibility issues. Additionally, Word documents are typically viewed using a separate application or plug-in, and can thus cause confusion and navigation difficulties.

There are multiple Word documents in use, not signposted as a Word document with the content not in HTML format.

PowerPoint Documents

PowerPoint documents often have accessibility issues. Additionally, PowerPoint documents are typically viewed using a separate application or plug-in, and can thus cause confusion and navigation difficulties.

There are multiple PowerPoint documents in use, not signposted as a PowerPoint document with the content not in HTML format.